
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

a winter's walk

Like the rest of the midwest, Iowa has been hit with a brutal winter. A brutal winter that I have been able to take full advantage of now that I work in education. High schools have had so many late starts and snow days that no one can possibly keep track (except for all of the teachers and administrators who keep watching their summer vacations dwindle one day at a time...), and even Kirkwood has had its fair share of late starts and snow days - yeah for me.

Monday was the latest snow day. We slept in just a bit, enjoyed an extra cup of coffee during breakfast and then all chaos ensued as we attempted to make our house shine for an 11:15 showing. An 11:15 showing that arrived 30 minutes early, leaving me to corral the dog, throw on the closest winter gear and hightail it out of the house, leaving the cat behind to fend for himself.

The roads were blanketed with five fresh inches of the most beautiful fluffy snow, hiding a thick layer of ice. This made it impossible for me to load Maia in the car and go for a drive, so we walked instead.

We really trudged. But it was fun trudging through all that snow, on roads that were completely covered, no cars ruining the perfect blanket of white.

Just me and Maia.

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