
Thursday, July 15, 2010

farmers market & whiskey

Beautifully unproductive day at work. Wonderfully full afternoon/evening with Nic.

One of the huge disadvantages (advantages??) of working from home is the many distractions that lay at arms reach, and a bed that calls your name the instant your eyelids get droopy. (Hope my boss doesn't read this...Hi Denise!) Why is it when you have the most work to do, you are the most unmotivated to work? Today was definitely one of those days...and I will make up for it tomorrow!

Once Nic walked in the door, we were on the move right up until...well, now.

Work it out::
We headed to the Y first for a much needed workout. After chatting with a few hYped friends for a bit, I hit the treadmill for a tempo run.

1 mile bike ride to the Y
mile 1: 8:47 pace
mile 2: 7:47 pace
mile 3: 7:30 pace
mile 4: 8:58 pace
1+ mile bike ride home

Farmers Market::
Immediately after our workout we hit up the farmers market and loaded up with a bunch of produce. Yeah, even though we are getting our CSA box tomorrow, I can't help myself when it comes locally grown produce.

IMG_7407 IMG_7409

We have been looking for a tray to put on our oversized ottoman for drinks and such for quite some time now and found the perfect one at the farmers market. However, with our large bag of produce there was no way we could get the tray home while riding our bikes.

After the farmers market we rode home, changed and jumped in the car to head out to a whiskey tasting. But not before hitting one the farmers market once more to grab that tray!

Look how sweet it is!!

IMG_7415IMG_7419 IMG_7420

Whiskey tasting...blech. I hate whiskey. I wasn't planning on tasting anything, but thought I'd give it a go, but first made sure I wouldn't offend the representative by making a disgusted face. Oh and what the disgusted face he saw!


Nic liked it though, so we picked up a bottle. He also tried some gin that was apparently very delicious. We were also the lucky winners of raffle - and somehow this shirt made it home with us. It will be visiting the Goodwill tomorrow.


Black bean and sweet potato burrito anyone? Holy delicious. Served up with some yogurt cornbread (I loosely follow this recipe - including the whole stick of butter!)

Ingredients -

  • small red onion chopped
  • jalapeno chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • green pepper chopped
  • 1 sweet potato diced
  • 1 can black beans
In a saucepan, heat 1T butter and 1T olive oil. Sauté onion, jalapeno, garlic and green peppers. Remove from pan. Heat up more butter and olive oil and add diced sweet potato and fry until crisp. Add black beans and onion mixture. Heat through.

Serve up in a tortilla topped with tomatoes and a dollop of greek yogurt.


Check out my cute apron! I normally don't wear them, but thought I'd cook in style tonight! Nic's cousin Angie made it for me a while ago...thanks Angie!


Today's eats::

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