
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

hurts so good

What a lovely, sticky-hot day! Again, up before the sun to take Maia for a walk, which had to be shortened because of the heat and humidity - yes, even at 5:15 in the AM it was too hot for Maia! I then headed out for a 3 mile run, with an hour stop at the Y half way through for Core.

A class that focuses specifically on, well, strengthening the core, is just what my body ordered! The instructor - even better. You can't get away with any slacking in her class and she makes sure you are doing everything right in order to get the best workout in.  I hurt so good after each of her classes!  Not quite sure how she does it though - she teaches three classes back-to-back-to-back. I would pass out.

Anyway - that was just a post about Core and how much I love it. :)  I think Friday is the last class of this session though. I really hope she offers it again.


  1. I'm a Nebraska runner! I found your blog through the nest. Love this! I just ran my first half a few months ago, and am gearing up for the Omaha half in September.
