
Sunday, October 10, 2010

not such a grand island

Like I mentioned in my previous post, Nic and I travelled to Nebraska this weekend for a friend's wedding.  The wedding and entire weekend was lovely, but the trip to and from Grand Island was a l.o.n.g. one!

Nancy (who was a few hours ahead of me) and I traded a few texts on the way:

Me: Holy grand far away is this place? can we see the ocean from there??
Nancy: hahaha...I wish. I feel like we have been driving forever! We still have 2 more hours to go...Augh!!
{much later...}
Nancy: Not such a grand island;) hahaha
Me: Tell Sarah that grand friggin island might as well be in california! We are in lincoln and still have like a thousand miles left!
Me: OMG! I see the ocean!

To Sarah - your wedding was beautiful, almost as beautiful as you were and I am so so glad that Nic and I were able to attend. However - been there, done that! I don't think we will be visiting Grand Island again! :)

Nic and I got in late on Friday and after a quick drink and bite to eat we were off to bed so we could make the most of Saturday.

Grand Island Sunrise

We started Saturday morning off on the right foot with a 12 mile run/bike ride.



Where's Waldo Kier? Can you spot me?


Here I am!

Seriously - could this sunrise be anymore beautiful?


After our run/bike we headed over to the Farmer's Daughter Cafe for breakfast.


Nothing fancy, but it hit the spot after a longish run. (a 12 mile run to me at this point is a welcomed break from my longer and much more horrendous 20 milers...)

Nancy was a beautiful maid-of-honor.

Nancy and her Nic(k)s

Nancy and her Nick - "Nic 2.0"

The church was beautiful...

...and the ceremony was full of laughs, and a few tears (despite what the groom says).





I let many others take photos at the reception, so I am looking forward to sharing those soon!

Oh yeah - Maia had loads of fun while we were away! Yes - we totally spoil the dog and break the bank when we go on trips by boarding Maia at a "puppy daycare!" :)




Nic and I joke that we should have money automatically deducted from our paychecks and sent directly to this place! Oh well - better than having her cooped up in a kennel at a vet's office.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Kier! I haven’t been on here in awhile and I’m noticing your mad photography skills!! Nice:) Just curious, what do you shoot with? I want to look into an actual SLR (is that what they are called…the fancy ones with the lenses??) and am not quite sure where to start. Do you have any suggestions?
    Hopefully life will slow down for you after this next crazy week :) It was good to see you last week…minus the circumstances.
