
Monday, November 15, 2010

6 days and counting

In exactly one week from today, I will be laying on my couch entertaining our good friends from Alaska and cringing in pain every time I try to move. I will also be grinning from ear to ear (and giggling on the inside) the entire day because a mere hours ago, I will have crossed the finish line at the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, OK in under 3 hours 42 minutes, thereby qualifying me for the Boston Marathon. :)  I am physic, did you know that?

I only have 4 runs left until race day, a short 3 miles today, a quick speed session tomorrow, and then two quick 2 mile runs just to stretch my legs on Wednesday and Saturday.

The forecast is looking beautiful for race day - a chilly start warming to 70 by the time I finish. Sounds lovely to me!

Tulsa Weather Forecast

It sounds especially lovely considering my last longish training run was in the midst of the first Minnesota snow storm of the season. The heavy wet snow couldn't keep me inside though!  I headed out to do 8 miles and had the most fun I have had running in a long time. Seriously, laughing the entire time!

Snowy Run 005

Who wouldn't have fun risking their lives running on the shoulder because the sidewalks weren't the dark, with black pants on. Hey - I did have a flashlight. Who wouldn't have fun trudging through 4 inch puddles to avoid the oncoming cars? Who wouldn't have fun being sprayed with slushy dirty snow every time a car passed (while running through the 4 inch puddles)?

Snowy Run 004

Yup - I think it was the perfect way to end my training.

Snowy Run 002

Now onto sunny Tulsa and a huge marathon PR! :)


  1. hope the last of your training goes well! good luck and have fun this weekend!

  2. I cannot believe you have already had snow in MN! AH!!!

    Good luck at the marathon :)
