
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

to Fargo or not to Fargo...

Fargo 2011

That is the big question that I have not been able to get off my mind.  For the past two years, Nic and I have made the nearly 10 hour trek to Fargo to visit our good friends Laura and Josh.  Last year, I decided to run the Fargo Half Marathon while we were visiting - and then vowed to make that an annual tradition.

So this year, we are for sure going up to Fargo the weekend of May 20-22. The big question is - should I register for the full marathon or the half marathon?

Scenario One - Register for the half marathon
Official training would start February 26th.
I would most likely follow HH's Advanced Half Marathon training schedule.

Scenario Two - Register for the full marathon
Official training would start January 10th (two days after we return from Spain).
I would most likely follow HH's Intermediate II Marathon training schedule.

Fargo's course is described as flat and fast - which would hopefully lend me a better chance to qualify for Boston - or if I am going to set realistic goals - finish sub 4 hours.

One thing is for sure - I need to register for one of these events to keep my butt running this winter.  I've found that if I don't have something to train for, I am far more likely to skip workouts.

So vote - full or half?


  1. well, since my sister tried doing the half a couple years ago and almost died from major heat stroke, I would have to vote neither.
    But seeing as you take your training much more seriously than she ever did, I say go all out and go for the full! It is a pretty flat course and it could very possibly be your best shot at Boston at the moment...

  2. If you don't think you want to continue running marathons I will vote for doing the full at Fargo. You are already in awesome shape and can just fine tune some things in your next training round and flat and fast will be your best bet to meet your goal(s).

    If you think you want to continue doing marathons I would vote for the half to give yourself a rest on the training time. Also, maybe doing 6 months of faster training then back to your marathon training might improve your overall fitness.

    Does that make any sense?? Long story short - tell me if we are done training for marathons!!

  3. I vote full, partly because I have the Fargo full written into my schedule (although I haven't registered). It is going to be my redeemer marathon to make up for my less than stellar first marathon in St Paul/Minneapolis. I keep tossing the idea around in my head and I can't find a good excuse not to do the training would start the Jan 17th, the week after we get back from Colorado. Wisconsin winters suck...but winter marathon training sounds more appealing than July/August training...

    Or, if you want to have more stress-free time with your friends the half may be a better choice.

  4. I think since you are contemplating the full you should do it! You are awesome! You're so motivated!! You had a bad day the last time (even though you did awesome!)...I probably would still be running/walking/crawling to get to the finish line! But maybe you need to give yourself one more chance to see what you and your body can do?? That way you can prove it to yourself that A. you totally have it in you to get your Boston qualification...or B. your just better at the shorter races and can concentrate completely on those without giving yourself a hard time!! Either way you'll do awesome! I'd totally give it one more try though if I was as prepared as you are!! Good luck!

  5. Kier, you know already that you're going to do the full marathon. You won't be happy until you at least qualify for the Boston Marathon. Stop agonizing and just sign up. Love you! Mom

  6. I will have an awesome sign this year no matter what you choose! (I would like to be there though to celebrate with you when you qualify for the Boston!)

  7. Even though you told me you were NEVER doing another Full marathon.. I agree with your madre.. HOwever, Maddie has a good point. If you are looking to qualify for Boston, training through the winter can make this very challenging.. And the last thing that you want to do is get discouraged! I will be supporting you either way:) You are amazing!

  8. It's quite the decision as training is really a commitment and changes a lot of things! we love training together but also love being able to sleep in on a saturday morning and not "have" to run 12 mile if it's raining :)

  9. It sounds like its a good course and a race you enjoy so I say register for the full. Then if something happens during training you cuold always defer back to the half if necessary.
