
Monday, January 3, 2011

desperate for some vitamin d

It clearly has been quite lovely here in Spain.  Mostly sunny with a few clouds, temps in the low to mid 60s.  Our time here so far has involved quite a bit of lounging and reading.

Yesterday, Maddie and I were desperate to enjoy the sun and try to get some color. So we braved the cooler temps and set out to the pool.


Grandma and Grandpa tagged along as well - dressed for the weather, laughing at us for wearing out suits.  Hey - we are young and we know best, right?


Wrong.  60 degrees, although it sounds like a heat wave, is just a little too cold for tanning especially when the one thin band of clouds keeps blocking the sun.


How come old people are always right?!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! Just like the 50 year old wearing shorts to get the newspaper when we had a warm day of 25* last week!
