
Sunday, January 30, 2011

give it to us straight

This post is going to be quick and dirty. I (Kier) have got to pack up my things and hit the road back to Iowa.  Oh, I didn't tell you?  I totally made a surprise visit to Minnesota to surprise my bestie while she was shopping for wedding dresses.  Oh I got her good!  Thankfully her response to my presence was one of near tears and not what the heck are you doing here, I didn't invite you.  I was slightly worried, I mean, thinking that you, yourself, showing up somewhere is going to make someone's day is a little big-headed, no?

Anyway...quick and dirty, remember?

You might remember that one of our goals for 2011 is to NOT get another dog.  However, wouldn't having a puppy around be fun and cute and cuddly? :)

Seriously, Nic and I have talked about getting another dog for sometime now, but keep going back and forth.

What are you thoughts on adding a second dog to our household?  Do you have two dogs - is it just crazy at your house?  Are we crazy to want to go through the process of training a puppy again? Do you see benefits as to having a second dog (like finally, Maia would have an animal other than the cat to play with?). Do we find a specific breed, or do we adopt?

So weigh in...we want to hear your thoughts.  The good, the bad and the ugly, give it to us straight, lay your opinions out there.  


    1. get a dog!

      ps. i like that nancy has her own label...

    2. I love dogs. But that means double the poop and hair and the expense at the kennel & groomers when needed. But double the love and fun. Maybe you should just have a BABY for maia to play with! But i am guessing you wont like that answer.. Adopt a sweet pup from the shelter and teach it to run marathons with you.

    3. I have always said that two dogs are easier than one. They play together! It is double vet bills though, which can suck. I really want another, but my husband isn't on board. I'd like to live vicariously through you, so yes, get a puppy :)

    4. I say if you have the time for another dog, go for it. If it was meant to be, you will find the perfect dog and the perfect dog will find you.

    5. We have 2 dogs, a big one & a little one. We had our little one first and I think that was the best way to go so our big one grew up with her and he didn't pick on her once he got bigger.

      I love having two dogs, I actually want a 3rd one, but Chris says no way jose. The only problem we have is going out of town, it's hard to find someone to keep them, especially since we live so far from family now.

      The biggest problem is all the dog hair, oh my gosh the hair is insane. We have wood floors through out our entire house, no carpet anywhere... so the hair is everywhere!

    6. I think it depends on the dogs. We have two. Tacia is much older than Duke and much smaller than Duke. She is a "people" dog and was not that excited to have a sibling. Duke absolutely adores Tacia. I guess it is good for him, not as good for her. It was a huge change to go from having one perfectly mannered dog to a monster puppy, but he's fine now...two years later.

      I think the biggest consideration for me would be that it is way more expensive to have two dogs than one. Obviously, I'm all for it anyway!

    7. I vote to keep your goal of not getting another one. 2x fur, poop, pee, barf, chewing, barking, food, vet bills, boarding bills.

    8. Wow - thank you all for your comments! Nic and I are still so on the fence and are going to think on it for at least two more weeks.

      I think I am the one who is really leaning towards getting another one, and @Laura - Nic has been waiting to hear your comment. Thanks for agreeing with my mom by the way! ;)

    9. We've got one dog, and I think that's enough for us for a while! Wellington (our American bulldog) gets to play with/terrorize my in-law's 2 dogs at the farm everyday, and then when we go home at night he gets to be the only dog which seems to work out well.

      We've talked about the fact that if a dog really needed a home maybe we'd take it in, but we're definitely not actively looking to add another to add another. Good luck with your decision!

    10. I love our dogs, and each one adds something else to the mix. We have three right now. We actually had 5 at one time, but we live on a farm and a couple of them lived outside. We were then down to two and just this summer added a puppy. Yes, she is a lot more work, but so worth it. They are so sweet and dogs just love people! It is harder find babysitters for them! We sometimes have to split them up. But, for us, worth it.
