
Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am a runner.

Running is my time to meditate, to unwind, to think, to feel, to be.

Life without running is not a life I want to imagine living.

So you can imagine how hard it was for me this morning to realize, to accept, that the best thing for me to do  right now is to really (like really) take some time off from running until I can get myself in to see a physical therapist.

No more taking a day or two off and then testing the waters with a speed session. No more taking a day or two off and then testing the waters with an attempted 16 miler. No more.

Yes - I totally headed out for a 16 miler this morning. I only made it 2 miles before the knee hurt, so I slowed my pace and was stubborn enough to think I would still be able to make the entire distance. Ha.  Around mile 3, as I was preparing to land on my right foot, I knew mid-stride that I my knee would not hold my weight. A few more steps and it did it again.


A few tears.



I am a runner. A stubborn runner. There is nothing else like running.

Snap out of it Kier. Seriously.

So your knee hurts. Take a break from running and do some physical therapy. In the meantime, there are other things you can do!

That's right, I told me.

While working my short shift at the Y this afternoon I forced myself to get-over-myself and come up with a training plan for the next few weeks that is challenging and includes no running.

It is better to have a plan than to sit and sulk!

And who knows, after I see the physical therapist, my knee might magically heal itself and I can get back to my good 'ole Fargo Marathon training schedule.

Or I might be prescribed an exercise plan free of running for a while.

I will roll with the punches.

Here is the plan I created. Take a look and let me know what you think - maybe it is still too much, maybe I am overlooking something, many eyes are better than two!

Monday - rest or cardio (elliptical, bike, etc)
Tuesday - weights + cardio
Wednesday - spin + swim
Thursday - weights + cardio
Friday - spin + swim
Saturday - long cardio + core or weights
Sunday - rest or cardio

Either Monday or Sunday will be days of complete rest.

I shared my plan with Nic when I got home. A huge sigh of relief escaped his lips. While I was gone, he feared that if I was not able to run again, I would sit at home on the couch and eat cookies all day every day. I think he was about ready to take me up to Iowa City to buy a brand new shiny bike today. Seriously.

So anyway, I am done complaining. I will be smart. I will not try to squeeze in a tempo run or three before I see the PT.

I swear.


  1. I am a runner and I am sidelined by a knee injury too. All I can say (and you already know this) is listen to your body. Be good to your knee. I ended up wearing out a hole in my cartilage and had calcium fragments floating around. One found it's way into the void and the resulting pain and swelling lead me to the doctor and the discovery. Thankfully I just finished a half marathon, but sadly I had to cancel my marathon. I had knee surgery in January and am closing out my physical therapy. I am most likely sideline for the running, no high impact activities and no excessive walking. Cycling here I come! :) PT will make you stronger as will the cross training. Perhaps viewing this slight set back as a challenge will help you through the running blues?!? Good Luck!

  2. It sucks, but you are doing the right thing.

    Better to be voluntarily sidelined for major injury prevention than mandatorily sidelined for major injury recovery...right? It nothing else it is cheaper this way!

    Hope everything gets sorted out and you get back on track!

  3. Your plan looks good!

    It's so hard to be an injured runner! I have had stress fractures the last two summers and it has just pained me - but they (the first at least) were because I pushed through when I shouldn't have. You are doing the right thing by taking it easy now!

  4. I know how nothing else is like running, but you're really doing the right thing.

    Did you get an MRI of your knee? I hope you don't have a meniscus tear or something like that!

  5. Oh man, I hope your knee is feeling better soon! Hang in there!

  6. That really stinks. It is probably a whole lot better to take some time now though before it turns into an even bigger problem.

    I had to ride the bike instead of running for two months. I worked really hard and was able to go back to running at relatively the same pace with little loss of endurance. You can do it too.

  7. Nothing wrong with two rest days. I rest Mondays and Fridays and have been injury free for many years.

    Take good care of YOU.


  8. Ok, phew. I'm glad you're being smart with this thing that I'm not deeming an injury because you will be ok and will be able to run fargo. I wanted to punch you through the computer when you said you were hurting and were still going to attempt your long run. GAH! You'll be back at it asap. And XT only makes you stronger. :)

  9. Good luck with PT Kier! I know how frustrating these nagging injuries can be, but you are SO right that what you need to do is heal up before you do anymore running. And I sincerely hope you heal up quick.

    Keep us posted on your progress, okay? Take care!
