Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i want spring back


In light of Mother Nature's decision to bring back winter for a few days, I have been scrolling through a few of my photos on Flickr and came across this beauty.  Sure, it is a photo of food. But this photo takes me to where I want to be- camping on the North Shore enjoying the warm weather while I sit on the rocky shore listening to the waves and reading a good book.

Get it together Mother Nature! Bring back Spring and then leave it alone until it is time for summer.


  1. Seriously! Our highs next week are in the mother nature??

  2. That is a very summery photo - love the colors and the tasty looking texture of those fresh berries!!

    I'm crossing my fingers that at least some of this snow is melted by the weekend.

  3. Here, too! We got snow 2 days about depressing. I could almost smell the charcoals of my grill...but not quite yet :(

  4. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog; it helped me find yours! I love your layout. That picture makes me long for REAL spring and summer -- right now we keep getting "teaser" days in the 70s (!!) then quick switches back to snow. I am so ready to camp and enjoy the outdoors again! :)
