
Saturday, March 26, 2011

short,slow, but oh so sweet

I didn't think I'd have to pull out all of my winter running gear for my first run back. But the chilly air could not keep me from testing out the legs in over 3+ weeks.

I don't think I have been so nervous for a run in a long time. In fact, I was so nervous to do this run that it took me 2 days to lace up the running shoes after I had been given the green light to do so.

3.02 miles
27:04 minutes
8:57 pace

Short - yes.
Slow - yes.
Pain free - yes.
Oh so sweet - yes.

I am sooo happy to be back pounding (softly) the beautiful streets of Iowa.

An honest question - do you think 10 miles is too much for my second run back?? {I only have 56 days until the Fargo Marathon.}


  1. I would do a shorter run (like 6) before a ten. Just to test the water first!

  2. So glad your able to run again! Definitely agree with a six before a 10.

  3. Awesome run back! Speedy!

    I think 10 is too much. I think 3 may have been too much. I think 6 is also a good idea ;)

  4. I'm sure every step felt glorious. Welcome back!

  5. Yay! Glad you had a good, pain free run. I agree with the other ladies about doing 6.

  6. Hi! Just recently found your blog for the first time and it's lovely. :) I, too, am addicted to both running and food, and I love blogs like this one. Lots of tasty looking recipes! Good luck with the marathon training!
