
Sunday, March 20, 2011

two months one day

There are only two months and one day left until the Fargo marathon.


My attempt at cross-training has been lacking in the past two weeks and I am getting nervous.

I see my physical therapist on Tuesday and am hoping I get a clean bill of health and am told to get out there and make up for all the miles I have lost.

No, I do not plan on telling him my knee still hurts occasionally.

Okay, I might.

I still have a feeling (in the very back dark dusty corner of my mind) that I have a chance at setting at PR at Fargo. And believe me, I am clinging to that feeling for dear life. It is the only way to keep my sanity.

So my question is, assuming I can start running pain-free this week, what should my last two months of training look like?  I've already missed quite a few long runs and my first scheduled 20 miler is coming up next Sunday.

Suggestions? Ideas? Words of encouragement?


  1. Your first 20 miler? You do more than one in your training? Maybe you should post (or repost) your training I can steal it for my next marathon :)

  2. @Kara
    Kara - here is a link to my plan:

    2 - 20 milers and 1 - 22 miler

  3. I'd say after a week of figuring out where your legs/body stands you should re-evaluate and figure out what you think you are capable of. Don't kill your legs (obviously!) but push yourself and do what you can to get your miles in!

  4. Eep is right! Two months will go by quick. Hope you get a great report at PT and are able to resume running with no pain. I don't have a lot advice on revising your training plan, novice marathoner that I am. I will say that maybe only 2 runs of 20/20+ would be wise given your condensed training time. Keep that positive attitude; you are so right that you still have a great race!

  5. Two months is so little time! Yikes! I second cutting back to only two 20/20+ runs, if any! Of course, I don't know much about your running history. I guess it depends on how much you can run now. When I did Chicago, I had to start over at 0 miles 3 months out. But can you start at 8 or something and build from there?

    Whatever happens, you will be able to run Fargo and have a great time! :)

  6. I think based on your fitness level (pre-injury) and speed, you could definitely PR in Fargo with 8 weeks of training. Did you buy a knee strap yet, because you should! :) Shoot for sub 4 with me, and nail the BQ when you're healthy. :D
