
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

for the love of jack

You know, I never thought I would be a cat person. I have a crazy cat lady for a friend, whom I love to death, but never, would I own cats.

Ha. The first chance that Nic and I had to take home a few kittens, we jumped on it. We had our perfect kitty picked out - and then brought two home. Jack and Henry. Lovely kitties.

Henry died.

Jack still annoys us daily.

We love Jack.

He was being all sweet this weekend snoozing it up in the sun on the dog bed and I whipped out the camera to snap a few photos.



So glad I did...




Must have been a good nap...he was probably pissed I woke him up with all of my picture taking.


Nice portrait Jack!


Ok, that's a little scary...


And that is just plain creepy.  I giggle every time I look at this photo - it MUST go up on our photo wall!

Here's a few non creepy you don't have nightmares about Jack the Cat.



Cats are the best pets. Everyone should have one. Especially if you get a Jack - you will never be bored! Fun fact about Jack - he thinks he is a dog and his favorite game is to play fetch.  Yessiree! Beer bottle tops are his favorite things to fetch, followed by plastic caps. Whenever you crack a beer in the PS household, don't bother throwing it away, Jack will be at your feet before you can pop it off begging you to throw it for him. :)


  1. Awww, Jack is adorable. I wish my husband didn't hate cats so much!

  2. I busted up laughing at the "creepy" picture! I think it's adorable!

  3. Haha. Our cat plays fetch too! He plays it with my hair ties though. I fling them like rubber bands and he chases them.

  4. Ha! We have Fred...he is a lot like Jack. He annoys the hell out of us but we still like him! Chris *hated* cats...until Fred came home, before long he was in love, whether he will admit it or not!

  5. Those yawn photos are hilarious! His white whiskers stand out so well aganist the background.

  6. I would love a cat, but seeing as our bulldog's allergy report came back with 21 allergies, one being cats, I don't foresee that happening! Jack is adorable :)

  7. Jack is a a doppleganger of one of my dad's cats...Esiban (Ojibwe for Raccoon) is also a dog-cat and loves to play. She's also a ferocious hunter, which is why she is so fat!

  8. Data loves to play fetch too! We throw things down the stairs and he brings them back.

    Jack is too cute. I love that photo where he is sneering. Ha ha ha.

    And sorry about Henry! :(

    How is the training going?
