
Sunday, April 10, 2011

more answers

Good Morning!  Life here in Iowa is beautiful!  We slept with the windows open last night, the delicious aromas of apple cinnamon baked oatmeal is filling the house, and I am still on a huge runners high after completing a 12.08 mile pain free run yesterday!

I am going to soak up this gorgeous day as long as I is supposed to get pretty nasty tonight. I plan on cleaning out under the basement stairs in a bit and moving a couch into the space so I can be nice and comfy while the tornadoes roll through....eeep!

Time to knock out a few more answers to your questions!

Kara - my social security number is....ha! Kara asked why did I ever decided to start this semi-lame blog in the first place.

Well...because I was moving to the deep south and I was afraid my family and friends would forget about me, so I had to find some way to keep them in the loop of my fascinating life! I started this blog 16 days after Nic and I tied the knot back in August 2007.  I think I really just wanted to make sure everyone saw the awesome wedding photos our photographers put up on their blog.

For quite a long time and to this day, the blog serves as a way to keep track of our little awesome life here in Iowa, but has now morphed into a place where I can also keep track of my running and share some of my crazy kitchen creations. Because of the blog, I actually try to keep track of how I make different foods so in case some day I have a huge success in the kitchen I will be able to recreate it!

And yes - Aunt Jenny, someday I will compile everything into a family cookbook. PROMISE!

My brother wants to know why I am so mean to him.

I don't know what he is smoking, because pretty sure I am the best sister he has (even though I know he loves Maddie more!). I mean, how is serving up three home cooked meals every day while he visits Iowa mean??

My mom wants to know why I don't call her.

Why don't you call ME?!

And finally, Heidi wants to know what my biggest pet peeve is.  GOOD ONE!

My biggest pet peeve...when I am cooking/cleaning in the kitchen - clearly focused on what I am doing and have my "don't get in my way or else" look plastered all over my face - Nic appears out of know where and tries to hug me. Uuugghhh. He totally does it to push my buttons and thinks he is funny. I cringe.

I have a bigger pet peeve - so big that whenever it happens I always think - OMG this is my biggest pet peeve ever, but of course, I can't think of what it is right now.

That's a wrap - besides Lisa's question on my running history.  I will answer that one when I do an update on my knee and training plan for Fargo.

Happy Sunday!!!


  1. Ha! Chris does the exact same thing to me (interrupting when I'm obviously busy concentrating)and it drives me crazy. It makes me cranky...I mean, come on...I'm working here!

  2. Yay for beautiful weather and a pain free run. So glad you're feeling good!

  3. My pet peeve is the phrase "pet peeve". It just sounds so dirty, lol.
