
Saturday, April 16, 2011

re-modified fargo training plan & meet-up

Finally. I've been meaning to update my Fargo training plan since my last post regarding the subject and receiving a lot of feedback from you guys.

The last few weeks have been amazing. Being able to run again (pain free!!) has been a breath of fresh air...for both myself, and maybe even more so for Nic. I am quite the biatch when I can't run, so saying that my mood has been a lot better in the past 2 weeks would be a complete understatement. I feel like myself again.

I feel like my new plan is a good one. I am really just focusing on building back my endurance and getting my legs used to running for a long period of time. I've taken out all speed work, but you can bet that I will be making a few of the mid-distance run into tempo runs just to get the legs kickin' again.

This plan really hinged on how I felt on last Saturday's run. I planned to go out for 10ish miles, but when I had time, I decided to stretch it out to 12. You guys, when I walked in the door, I had the biggest grin on my face. Nic knew it would be a good day the instant he saw me.  Pretty sure I did a post-run happy dance.

So - here is my re-modified training plan for Fargo 2011:

Re-modified Fargo Training Plan

This is only a plan, and if I feel like changing things up a bit, I will. But I feel that this is doable and smart.

Other training will include lots of stretching and core work. I work at the Y every morning from 5:00-8:00 so I have plenty of time to get in some good stretching, ab work and upper body strength training. I am laying off most lower body strength training as I am 95% sure that that was the culprit of my knee issue. I might do some lower body lifting, but all will be very light weight and absolutely NO DEADLIFTS!

So there it is.  My goals for the marathon haven't changed too much:

Goal #1 - Finish under 4 hours. I think I can still pull this off - I just can not let myself start thinking negatively. Having so many people there running the race that I know will help (I hope!), and I know my personal crowd support will be there cheering me on.

Goal #2 - Finish under 4:16:26. This is my marathon PR set in Tulsa. I let myself cave to negative mental games by mile 7 or so. I walked too much using the crappy weather as an excuse, stopped to use the bathroom twice when I never needed to, and just gave up way too early. Beating this time should be easy.

Goal #3 - Finish and be happy dammit! Hey - I was injured for three weeks. Finishing the marathon should be an accomplishment in itself.  Set my sights for the Twin Cities Marathon and move on.

Fargo Meet-Up!
I know there are quite a few people running the half or the full and I think there are some plans to meet up after the race to celebrate everyone's PRs. So - if you are running, do you want to meet up for a drink after the race? Let me know and let's get something scheduled!


  1. I bet you can break 4 hours! :)

  2. So great you have been able to run pain free. I also like your Sunday, May 22nd plan :)

    I would love to meet up! I am staying with my sister in law who lives not too far from campus. I know we will be going out with friends that night but I am up for anything as long as it involves celebrating :)

  3. I know exactly the post run smile you are talking about! I am so happy you are running pain free and could do 12! The modified plan looks good!

    What do you do at the Y in the mornings?

    How are you going to fight the mental game? That is my biggest struggle. I need tips!

  4. So happy you are doing well and feeling good on yours runs. Good luck with the rest of the training plan! This running thing is such a mental game, and I definitely think you can hit yours goals if you can win that mental game.

    Not sure what's happening for me post-race as I'm staying with a friend I haven't seen in awhile, but I would love to meet some of the great bloggers that will be there! Maybe we could try to meet up at the expo on Friday as well?

  5. good gosh typos... I should really learn to proof my comments because those errors drive me crazy!

  6. I'm much much MUCH happier with this revised version for training. Sounds like it'll be much better to get you to the starting line injury free!

    And we now have the same goals. WHOOO!! A)sub 4, B) PR (4:12). Fargo had better be ready to be destroyed by some AC chicks. ;)
