
Thursday, June 16, 2011

girls weekend

I am ditching out on work this afternoon and making my way up to Duluth for a girls weekend! My mom, her best friend and myself will be pounding the pavement and hitting up all of our favorite shops, restaurants, and enjoying the loveliness that is one of my favorite places ever - the North Shore.

Oh yeah - and then there is that marathon thing.


Actually, despite the fact that I am running this marathon solo (ie - the best support person ever, the husband, will not be there), I am quite relaxed and ready to conquer my second marathon of the summer. OK, conquer might be too strong of a word. I am simply ready to run.

My training between the two marathons has been good, yet relaxed, with some cross training added to the mix (only because I am getting paid to teach spin and circuit classes!)

Grandma's Training Plan

The weather is looking lovely for race day. A high of 60 - yes please! I could give or take the storms, but a light, cooling, refreshing rain is always welcome.

Duluth Weather
And because this is the first marathon that I will be doing without Nic there, I am very tempted to write out an itinerary for the weekend and give copies to my mom and her friend. Call me obsessive compulsive, but there is a lot to do before I am in bed by 8:00 sharp on Friday night.  Combined with the fact that I have to be on the road by 4:30 at the latest on Saturday morning...yeah, I need a schedule!

Don't worry Mom, I will drive myself to the start so you and Patricia can get a few extra hours of shut eye.

As excited as I am for the race, I might be slightly more excited for the food I plan on eating this weekend. Yes, my life revolves around food. Not ashamed.

Lunch on Friday - The Duluth Grill - check out their menu, there is something for everyone!
Dinner on Friday - chickpea tacos for me, meat tacos for everyone else - made by yours truly. This has become a traditional pre-race meal.
Post race indulgence - Portland Malt Shoppe - sure it might be excessively pricey, but a trip to Duluth is not complete without a malt or ice cream cone from here!
Lunch on Saturday - The Burrito Union, or the Anchor Bar (if I am feeling like devouring a big juicy hamburger!)

Oh yeah - do I have a goal for the race? Kind of. I am going to set out to try to break 3:50, but if I don't - cool, whatever. I am just going to have fun, hopefully as much fun as Fargo! for another marathon this weekend!


  1. I missed the part where you mentioned running another marathon. Having good eats to look forward after the race is always a good motivator. Good luck this weekend!

  2. Good luck! You are making me really miss Duluth, with all the talk of where to eat - although, we actually never ate at a couple of those places - unfortunately never got around to it :-(
    Wish we were still there - we'd come cheer for you!

  3. So excited for you Kier! Have a blast and yummy on the food!

  4. sorry, that was from Katie R. It wouldn't let me post except for annonymous :-(

  5. 3:50!? GOOD LUCK! I am soo impressed! I can't wait to read all about! I never feel great after intense exercise, so I was so glad to have hubby there after my duathlon last weekend. At least you'll have support in other form :)

    P.S. That dessert you posted in your last post has been SCREAMING my name...

  6. Sounds like a fantastic weekend. I hope you have a great time!

  7. Have an awesome time! :) Good luck at 3:50!

  8. How flexible is your food plan...because I have a winner for you:

    C'mon, they made it to Diners, Drive-ins and Dives AND my family frequents the place. It must be awesome!

  9. @Doc That is one of the places that I found too! I will have to re-add it to the short list!

  10. Another marathon? You rock! I can't wait to read the recap :)

  11. who knew that is what the ice cream place is called....
