
Thursday, July 14, 2011

farmers market finds - july 14

Another great night at the farmers market! But first, check this out:


That my friends, is squash that I grew in my garden.

Did you get that?


That I grew.


These suckers are huge - like at least 1.5 feet long. Yeah, maybe I should have picked them sooner, but they seriously grew about 4 inches every single night, so by the time I actually got out there to pick them, they were ginormous!

So being that I finally picked these suckers, I knew they hard to be the star of tonight's dinner.  I asked a few people for some inspiration, and was overloaded with great suggestions. This squash will indeed be the star of tonight's dinner, as well as Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's.

With an idea in mind, I biked to the square to hit up the farmers market. Here's my loot:


Tomatoes, new potatoes, candy onions and 13 ears of sweet corn. All for a whopping $11.

A little bit of everything + my squash,  made it into tonight's dinner. It's baking away in the oven right now, so I have no idea if it is going to be good - but I can tell you this, it sure looks pretty!


How can it not taste good?


  1. wow what kind of dirt do you have in Iowa? Pretty soon you wont have to go to the farmers market you'll have everything you will need in your backyard. Which will lead to your cookbook :)

  2. I hope it ended up being delicious because it looks like it would be. I really should try to make it out to my local farmer's market this week.

  3. Wow- those are beautiful squash! It is so exciting to see the fruits of your labor (ha, ha). Everything you make looks sooo yummy!

  4. I have never seen such a pretty squash!

  5. You have a fantastic idea on this unique food for eating. It's great!!!!!

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