
Saturday, August 13, 2011

pounding the pavement

Yesterday afternoon I laced up my sneakers for what was supposed to be a quick run before heading out to a friend's house for dinner.

The plan, an easy 4 mile recovery run with 6-100 meter pick ups.

The outcome, a speedy 6 mile run at 7:20 pace with 9-100 meter-ish pick ups, and a few tears.

That's right, I totally cried on my run. This is a rarity and I think it has only happened three times before yesterday. Once, on my first ever 20-miler with about 3 miles to go I just couldn't take it anymore and started sobbing. The second and third times happened towards the end/at the end of both the Fargo Marathon and Grandma's marathon. Those were tears of joy.

Yesterday's tears were of the frustrated type.

What brought them on? A few stressful weeks of work/life and actually listening to the lyrics of Katy Perry's Firework song.

I listened to the song over and over again while pounding all of the stresses of life out on the good old country road.

It helped, if not only for the time being, but I came home feeling like a new woman. I think this song needs to be my theme song for the next few weeks/months while I try to strike a better balance in my life.


  1. I hate that feeling. When the house turns to a giant mess, piles of paper work that i have to deal with, havent taken time for myself, and not spent time talking with the mr. That's when I know i need to do a little check and put stuff in order of importance. And balance my life. I hope your able to find your happy place.

  2. thanks for sharing an awesome message!!! i have shared with my children too! we all need to hear this message!

  3. Thanks Kier! I needed to hear this one tonight...although I've heard this song before I had never truly listened to the message. Feeling rather thinned & burnt out lately, I needed this one:) Hang in there Girl!

  4. (((hugs)))

    I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed this summer, too. Hang in there! Find peace in your running. That's what I try to do.

  5. Aw, hang in there! Running can be so therapeutic and we all need a good cry once in awhile! I've been working on "balance" and thus, I've been doing far less blog reading (sorry! :( ). We've all got to do what we've got to do :) *hugs*

  6. That song always makes me feel a bit emotional too. I hope things settle down for you soon and you get a break :)
