
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

you win some...

You can't win 'em all, right?

You win some, you lose some.

Not that I was even close to winning. And there are no losers.

You can not always set a PR.

There, that's better.

I came no where near setting a PR at the Twin Cities Marathon last Sunday, and was even further from hitting my goal of qualifying for Boston.


Twas an ugly race.

I cried.

I walked.

I couldn't catch my breath.

I finished. And that is more than I thought I would do.

I've run four marathons in the past 11 months, and three since the end of May. No, I am not making up excuses (if I were, I would have told you I caught a cold last week), rather, I am looking on the bright side and celebrating what I have done in the past year.

Four marathons.

That is something to be proud of.

I am still chasing the BQ.

But in the meantime, over the next few months, I am going to give my legs a well deserved break.

And maybe eat some Swedish Fish while I dream of my next BQ attempt...


More in depth race recap will hopefully be coming soon. Although I won't promise anything as I have been a very lazy blogger of late.


  1. Kier, I am so proud of you for all of your hard work! Enjoy your time off and especially enjoy those swedish fish! :)

  2. A sub 4 marathon is still an admirable thing! Heck, I've love to have a bad race and end up with a 3:58...or a good race!

  3. I think you are pretty amazing and inspirational!

  4. I still think that you are amazing and you have accomplished so much in this last year. You'll BQ soon enough.....until then, enjoy those swedish fish :)

  5. Yup, enjoy those Swedish fish! So sorry it was a rough race, but you do have a lot to be proud of. Congrsts on finishing sub-4:00. You WILL get that BQ when the time is right too.

  6. I'm still chasing the sub 4 hour marathon, so in my humble opinion you did great. You might not have met your goals but you ran and you struggled and most importantly you crossed that finish line. Congrats for that!


  7. I still think that is an awesome time! But I know how frustrating it is to have a tough race. Rest up and keep dreaming - you will get there!

  8. I had an eerily similar experience to yours on Sunday. Way slower, but it's all relative, right?

    We can't win em all, but we'll keep trying...
