
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

vacation detox: day #1

View from our apartment in London. That's the London eye in the background.

Well I am back.

Back from from 18 long, fabulous days of holiday.

Back from visiting three countries: Sweden, England, Wales.

Back from 18 days of a deliciously non-vegan diet.

Back from two very, very, very bumpy flights.

Back to my amazing husband, pup, kitty, home and great state.

The past three weeks have been a whirlwind - and I really can't believe it is already over! Clearly, I didn't blog while I was gone, or post photos. So today, I have three goals and three goals only:

  1. Unpack
  2. Sort photos
  3. Cook my own food!

I indulged on vacation (because that is what vacations are for!) and ate way too much food, and way too much food that I don't normally eat. While it was all delicious, my body is excited to get back to its 99% vegan ways. So today is day #1 of my vacation detox. I am beginning my detox with a big bowl of oatmeal, tea, and a kale/spinach/berry smoothie (made by Nic!).

Be back later (hopefully) with photos!!


  1. I just came across your blog randomly looking for a single serve brownie recipe- and then I saw your name. You're the only other Kier I've ever met! I'm technically Kiersten, but have been called Kier my whole life. And you're a runner too! Weird!

  2. Hello, I am an Iowan who has moved to Minnesota, and I've been following your blog since I found it after the Des Moines Half Marathon this year. Your trip sounds fantastic-- I hope you had a great time. Being a midwesterner, do you run outdoors in the winter? What kind of running do you do in the cold that is Iowa? I've been running for only a year and a half, and I hate the cold... Thanks! --Erin
