
Monday, December 12, 2011

25 day workout challenge:: days 1-12

Despite a few really disappointing runs, a few too many days of rest, not feeling on top of my game, and one nice goose-egg/bruise on my right shin, I guess the first twelve days of my 25 day workout challenge didn't go all that bad.

I am still trying to figure out how to best incorporate weights into my running routine that will propel me towards my BQ marathon attempts this spring. However, come January, I really won't have to think about that too hard, as I will be teaching a few different weight classes at the Y each week.

With the exception of my 10.5 mile run on Saturday, I have felt very slow and sluggish while running (which is funny considering I literally fell on my ass during said 10.5 mile run. I think that was the first time I have ever fallen while running. Should I be proud?!). I haven't been able to knock out any solid speed work, nor have I been surprised by speedy mile splits beeping at my from my Garmin. This all really puts me in a funk and makes me second guess my ability to BQ in 4-5 short months.

Thursday December 1: 
Since it was the first day of this challenge, I must have done close to 6-8 miles and thrown in a bit of speed work, but I did't record anything, so I can only assume...

Friday, December 2:
ABC Circuit class

Saturday, December 3:
7.15 miles @ 8:54 pace

Sunday, December 4: 
7.28 miles @ 8:44 pace

Monday, December 5: 
3.72 miles @ 8:44 pace

Tuesday, December 6: 

Wednesday, December 7: 
Weights, 6.39 mile run @ 8:29 pace, Abs-olutely spin

Thursday, December 8: 
1.52 miles - ha. REST. (Might have overdone it a bit yesterday, ya think?)

Friday, December 9:
ABC Circuit class & 3.5 miles on treadmill (29:30 minutes), was hoping for a solid 5K time trial, but lost motivation quickly. Ended up doing a 1 mile warm up, 2 quick-ish miles, and a cool down.

Saturday, December 10: 
10.5 mile run @ 9:03 pace. Would have been faster, but I spent a few minutes during my last mile sitting on my ass after slipping on ice.

Sunday, December 11: 
.61 mile run - ha. REST

Monday, December 12: 
Weights, 5.65 mile run @ 8:34 pace

Total miles: 52.32 miles
Total weight sessions: 4 (including two ABC classes)
Total spin sessions: one
Total bonus workouts (pool): zero


  1. Just came across your blog- we are very similarly paced! I've been working a lot of extra weights in the past few months, and am really coming to enjoy it. What classes will you be teaching?

  2. Congrats on your first fall :) Now you're ready for the trails!

  3. @Laura I will be teaching the following: Absolute Body Conditioning (x2), Boot Camp (x2), and possibly helping with a running group and a women's lifting group (x2). BUSY BUSY!

  4. I can't believe you've made it that long in iowa with no falls...I think I averaged one per year while I was there?

    I actually was visiting Ames this weekend (fiance still lives there) and got in a blustery 3.5 miles. Winona is covered in ice, so I've been learning to love (ummm....yeah, love is the word...) the treadmill.

  5. @Doc The treadmill isn't always all that bad. Sometimes, it is a necessity. Plus, Winona is hilly!

  6. I am also going after another BQ attempt after falling short in my last marathon. I do high rep-low weight upper body strength training, some body weight exercises (pushups, planks, lunges w/ 1 foot on an exercise ball), and then squats with ~50 lbs of weight. It all helps, but I think the squats helped the most. Do you have a spring marathon picked out yet?

  7. @Karen I am for sure headed back to Stockholm to run that marathon on June 2nd. However, I think I want to run two prior to that so there is not so much pressure to BQ while travelling abroad.

    I am thinking about the Wisconsin marathon or Lake Woebegone marathon in May and am still looking for an April one.

  8. Kier, don't beat yourself up. Love you!
