
Friday, December 16, 2011

treadmill tricks

Without a doubt, it is that time of year again.

There is a chill in the air and the days are short.

Ok - let's be real. Some days it is damn frigid out there (cold as a witches ti....well, you know the saying) and the Iowa winds are a howling.

Which means some of my runs are forced inside to the treadmill.

Now I am not one to bash the treadmill. Sure, I'd prefer to run outside, but they are good for something.

Personally, I love doing speed work on the treadmill for a few reasons.

#1 - You can run at a steady pace
#2 - You can push yourself a bit harder
#3 - If your doing a speed session, you're damn sure people are amazed at your awesomeness.

I particularly like using the treadmill for speed sessions (and no, not just so people think I am awesome), and especially for intervals.

Some days though, I lose track of the number of intervals I've done. Which can be good if you end up doing more than planned, but always leaves me wondering if I got in the six I was shooting for, or if I had one more to go.

My solution to this {white girl} problem - twisty ties.

Before I head to the gym, I grab enough twisty ties for however many intervals I have planned. I find a spot on the treadmill for them, and after completing each interval, I remove one twisty tie.

People probably wonder what the heck I am doing with a handful of twisty ties, but it works.

Plus, it feels good and motivates me to have a visual of the number of hellish 400s I have left...


  1. Haha I love your solution! I do my intervals by time on the episode of Buffy I'm watching :)

  2. That's a good idea! I always have this problem when I'm running on the track (because 11 laps = 1 mile) so I've started counting laps on my fingers.

  3. It takes one moment of distraction for me to forget just how many I 've done and how much I have to go. Oh, so easily distracted!

  4. That is one of the most random things ever...but I can totally see how it works! I might be attacking the TM with twistie ties just to give it a shot!

  5. I don't get why it's a white girl problem.

  6. @Laura Maybe 1st world problem would have been more appropriate? Clearly there are larger things in life that are more deserving of clever solutions!

  7. Very nice said, dude. Used to do outside jogging, but switched to treadmill now.
