
Sunday, January 15, 2012

menu planning:: january 15-21

Menu planning...

This is what menu planning looks like in our house.

Not that we do it on a regular basis, but we try.

This week's eats will include the following:

Low GI Minestrone - pg. 34 Avoca Soups

Spinach & Nutmeg Soup - pg. 58 Avoca Soups

Edamame and Asparagus Stir Fry - pg. 289 The Food Matters Cookbook

Pasta with Broccoli, Garlic and Chili - pg. 261 River Cottage Veg

Zucchini, Pepper & Tomato Gratin - pg 63 The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Cookbook

Curried Bubble & Squeak - pg. 228 River Cottage Veg

Asparagus Spinach Dip - pg. 66 Veganomicon

Veggie Burgers - Oh She Glows

With our weekday nights jammed packed with work/working out, I am going to try to get a few of these meals made up today and store them in the freezer so we have some quick meals for a while.

But first, I must run.

Running ninja
(I wore this outfit on yesterday's run, when it was frigid. I got some funny looks - but I was warm! It is 37* right now, so I won't be as bundled up on my 13 miler)

1 comment:

  1. I have no shame when it comes to bundling up for a long, cold run. That outfit looks perfect for a cold day!
