
Friday, November 30, 2012

grandma's pie safe

This little treasure was hiding out in my grandma's basement being used as a cat food locker when I whisked it away to Iowa.


For some reason, I never remember seeing this at Grandma's, though I am sure it had long been sitting in the same place at the bottom of the basement stairs.


I am certainly glad that it caught my eye and that the family agreed to let me have it.


It seems old, and if I took a little closer look, I am certain I could find a date on one of the old newspapers lining the inside.


So the question is, how should I restore this? I need some ideas so I don't mess it up, as I want this to have a prominent place in all of my kitchens from here on out.

1 comment:

  1. What a find! Hi Kier, I am a friend of Maddie's in Stockholm. She sent me your blog, as I am also a blogger. :-) Love your blog! My husband is a vegetarian and I am mostly a vegetarian so it is always fun to find new resources for meals etc.
    I wouldn't do much to this pie safe. Clean it up and maybe some light sanding. It is gorgeous as is!
