
Monday, January 28, 2013

30 'til thirty


No sense in beating around the bush here. There are 30 weeks until my 30th birthday and I am going through a quarter life crisis (yes, I do plan to live to 120).

Instead of cowering in a corner hiding from this crisis thing, I am taking hold with force and plan to use these next 30 weeks to my advantage.

These next 30 weeks will lay the groundwork so my 30th year will be the best yet and incredibly epic.

Incredibly epic.

There is no other path for me, except an epic one.

30 weeks, 210 days. Let's go.

This is going to be a very productive 30 weeks. If there is anything in life that I have talked about doing, I will either do it before I am 30 or figure out a way to do it.

I am breaking down these things into a few categories and reserve the right to add to the list at anytime. I also reserve the right to remove an item from the list if I have truthfully tried to check it off, and in doing so, determine that it is not worth my valuable time, or I find out that it is no longer a passion.

30 'til Thirty Goals


  • Launch new (rebrand?) food/travel/run blog
  • Gift myself the best birthday gift ever 
  • Date nights once a week
  • Enroll in the American Cancer Society CPS-3 (I am finally OLD enough, yippee!)
  • Plan a trip to Europe with Nic (because taking all these trips to Europe without him is just not fair)
  • Start the "Washington Book & Cook" book club with some fabulous ladies
  • Con at least 3 sets of my friends to come visit us in Washington (here's looking at you Nancy, Crystal, & Greg!)
  • Road trip to Georgia
  • Downsize (possessions, house & weight - heh)
  • Finish all unfinished house projects
  • Spend more time playing with Maia & Jack


  • Save $15,000
  • Minimize frivolous spending (not to the point of becoming a shut-in though)
  • Sell our house for a profit 


  • Set up a meeting with a SCORE volunteer to work on a business plan
  • Complete a business plan
  • Get a part time job at a bakery on the weekends
  • Give away one loaf of bread a week
  • Give away one dessert a week
  • Continue hosting dinners each weekend
  • Bake for the Washington Farmers Market
  • Bake for a CSA
  • Volunteer on a farm
  • Make cheese (because who ever let me not eat it for so long? Hi, my name is Kierstan and I am a recovering vegan)
  • Butcher a chicken (this is a total stretch goal)
  • Get a freelance position developing recipes
  • Enroll in 1-2 bread baking workshops


  • Run an average of 30 miles per week
  • Run for 10 hours on April 15
  • Get my super sexy abs back (read - lay off the cookies!)

30 weeks is a long time, but in the grand scheme of things, will be over before I even know it. I can manage this crisis and come out of it a happier, better, person...who is 30.


Gah - what is going to happen when there are 40 weeks until forty??


  1. Love this!
    Working on a farm is really eye opening - I grew up on one and I miss it quite regularly! And butchering a chicken - totally doable, especially if you're spending time on a farm. Or if you say it counts if the chicken starts out headless.

    And are you saying you'll run for 10 hours on April 15th?! Or by April 15th? I'm confused. Or you are crazy. ;)

    1. Have you heard of WWOOF? ( I am thinking that is the route I am going to take to volunteer on a farm. Because who doesn't want to spend their vacation days working?!

      My goal is to run for 10 hours on April 15th. Crazy, yes.

  2. Well if you need to pass out a loaf of bread or dessert my door or mailbox is always available! I have always wanted to make cheese, especially mozzarella, {i'm thinking basic}! As for the chickens i dont know if i could kill a chicken..... eekkkk, maybe you should consider raising them instead :)or those cute little lambs;) And last but not least, start a bakery/ whole store in blaine~we need one badly!

    1. I am sure I will be in Blaine at least once in the next 30 weeks, so consider yourself lucky. Bread and dessert for you guys!

      Mozzarella and a creamy goat cheese are on the top of my list. Simple is the only way to go if I want to make this a hobby I like!

      Not sure about Blaine, but a move to Minnesota sometime in our future is not entirely out of the picture.

  3. oh....I think a move to Blaine would be pretty nice!

    1. I know you think it would be pretty nice. And then a week later, we'd be totally sick of each other!

  4. Replies
    1. I have to "go big or go home" if I even want to have a chance to accomplishing goals! Hopefully I will be able to cross at least half of these off the list.

  5. Those are fantastic goals! Love the book club. If I lived in Washington, I would want to join it!

    1. We have been talking about doing a book club for a long time. Too much talking about the logistics of it though, we just need to do it!
