Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Money Money Money

Every family has different ways of keeping track of their finances.  Some are very diligent at keeping track of every penny spent as they spend it, some are more lax, but at the end of the month can still tell you where every penny has gone, and some are like us...VERY lax and  just know that at the end of the month, all of our bills have been paid and we are generally sittin' pretty when it comes to $$.  Although it works for us, I think we need a new system, a better budget - I want to know where every penny goes and when it goes.

(reading between the lines...I want to make sure we have enough money in December to go to Hawai'i, and then be able to rennovate our basement without having to take out a loan)

Any tips?   

1 comment:

  1. Here's my tips: don't start your own business, and don't get any more pets! ;)
