Monday, July 13, 2009

i am not a morning person

I am not a morning person. Most days I wake up around 7:45, start brewing a pot of coffee, whip on some jeans, throw up my hair, and am to work by 7:53. Rough life I know! This week though, this week IS going to be different.

Lately I have been really discouraged with my running routine and have been finding 'more important' things to do instead - like eating dinner, going to the dog park, watching an episode of Rome with Nic, drinking wine, etc etc. (okay, I realize eating dinner is may be more important than running, but we eat so late that I don't have time to run afterwards). Add that on top of 2-3 late meetings per week and you can see why I might not be able to find the time to run.

So this week I am going to be in bed by nine and up by five. This is the life of Nic. Bed by 9, up by 4:30, work by 5AM - that my friends is a rough life! Especially so when I make him watch just one more episode of Rome. I am looking forward to starting my days with a run...I used to do this way back in college - a very refreshing start to the day. So far, I am 1 for 1! This morning I was up by 5 and to the Y by 5:30 for 30 minutes of weights. Tomorrow will be the true test though...I have a 7PM meeting tonight that is guaranteed to run at least 2 hours!

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Kier- If Nic, who in reality is NOT a morning person can do it, I think YOU should give it a real honest try. Just think of how much easier life would be on a somewhat similar schedule. And of course, much easier for Nic to get to bed on time if you're not tricking him into staying up. Be good to my boy! :)

    Good for you! I do think a morning run would be a good start to the day, especially in the summer. Good luck!

