Monday, August 10, 2009

up all night & sleep all day

This weekend I had my third and final Relay of the summer, thus ending my three weeks of Relay. THANK GOODNESS! This weekend's Relay was my only overnight event and you'd better believe that I stayed up all night with my volunteers - because I am a good staff partner! I did get a hotel, but only went there twice, for a total of about 30 minutes to take a shower!

The Relay ended at 6AM and I planned to crash at the hotel until check-out at Noon. I must have gotten my 4th wind or so of the night, and decided I'd sleep better in my own bed and drove the hour north home. I got home at 7AM and didn't wake up until 3ish. A well needed rest after a long night.

We had some friends over for dinner a mere 4 hours after I woke up. On the menu - BBQ smokedgouda/fress mozzarella chicken sandwiches, salad and yummy pineapple zucchini cake. After dinner we played a game of "Sorry!", enjoyed a bonfire and then headed back inside for some more (drunken) "Sorry!" Nick, our friend and Nic's co-worker brought over some of his homemade wine, which I will call from now on "Fire Water." Man, does that wine pack a punch! (for the record, I did not drink any of Nick's wine this weekend. Rather, I drank a bottle and a half of some less potent stuff!)

We must have been tired or something - we went to bed about 1:30AM and didn't wake up until after Noon Sunday. Whoops - there goes the day! It did end up being a lazy Sunday, full of naps (what?! really, naps after sleeping for 12 hours? Yes.) and reading. We also worked on our budget. I am proud to say that besides student loans and our house, we are debt free (we never had that much, just a little that was needing to be paid off) and plan to stay that way! We are working on a plan to increase the size of our rainy day/our cars suck fund, as well as pay off our student loans a bit faster than planned. Then, we'll tackle the house.

I am looking forward to this week rushing by as we are spending this coming weekend in Rochester. Saturday we have a BBQ for Greg, and will be staying with Becky and Curt - and their cute daughter, Kiera or Elizabeth as most people call her. :)

The following weekend we are making the trek to MN to see EVERYONE! Yeah! Clear your calendars people - you are spending the weekend with Kier and Nic!

The following week will be s short one for me as I am taking Wednesday - Friday off to celebrate my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! (You haven't forgotten about that, have you?) I just don't know what I will do with all that time off...hmmm. Maybe Nic will get me an awesome present that I can consume my time with....!

Holy crap - and then it is SEPTEMBER! Where has the summer gone?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait! Except for that part about September . . . because after that it's October!
