Friday, October 30, 2009

book blog?

I know, I know - how boring is it that all I post lately is what books I am reading.  I mean, do you really care?  Now you know how much I read you know that I have little to no social life.  Haha, just kidding.  I hang out with people (only if they are named Nic, though)...

To prove that I do have a social life, here are just a few of the things I have done/will do in the next few days:
-Attended YP Washington and talked to people other than Nic! GO ME!
-Volunteered at the YMCA and talked to people other than Nic!  GO ME!  (although I did make him volunteer...)
-I will be volunteering for Washington's Trick-or-Treat alternative event tomorrow.  Nic won't be there, but I am helping the guys from his station, but that counts, right?
-Going to the Hawkeye game on Saturday (Go Hawks - er, just kidding Maddie and CKE).
-Going to either a haunted trail with my co-worker and her hubs, or going to The Second Annual Halloween Bash in IC.

I rock...

1 comment:

  1. I don't have time for reading or a social life... (or maybe I'm just not cool enough) so you're miles ahead of me. :)
