Wednesday, August 24, 2011

role reversal

Something weird happened yesterday. And I am not quite sure what to think about it.

Nic raced.

I spectated.

I think that tragic earthquake shook things up a little more than people thought.

We scooted up to Lone Tree after Nic got home from work yesterday so he could participate in his first time trial. He's been wanting to try his hand at racing for a while now and got in at just the right time - yesterday was the last time trial of the season (for this series at least).

The venue: a beautiful country road.

The route: 5 miles out at back - careful for the gravel!

The weather: sunny and sticky.


A friend of Nic's also came up to try her hand at the time trial, it was her first race as well.


The starting line was two miles away from the registration area and no parking was available. So there were a few minutes before Nic took off that I was worried I wouldn't be able to actually watch him race. I kicked myself for not bringing my own bike/running shoes.

I decided to chance it and went out to the start, pulled into a ditch and was able to watch everyone take off and finish!


Like I said, this was a time trial (not really a race), so everyone lined up and the timer let people start one at a time, one minute apart.


It really was a nice country road and a beautiful night (minus the stickiness!).



As we watched the bikers before Nic leave, we noticed this guy was holding up their bikes. Apparently this gives you a stronger start as you are able to have both shoes clipped in. Nic decided to give it a try and I worried that once the guy let go, Nic would topple over.


He didn't and was off and running cycling.


While Nic raced on his refurbished 1980 Panasonic bike, there were quite a few people with crazy time trial bikes. Who knew they made bikes specifically for time trials? Their helmets were pretty sweet as well.


I like this shot of Angi starting, it looks as if "the holder" is sending her off on her first spin on a bike.


Nic finished with a very respectable 30 minutes and change. He was hoping to finish between 30 and 36 minutes.


{Side note:: some people need to learn how to share the road. After Nic left and I watched the rest of the bikers take off, a truck pulling a trailer decided to see how close he could come to them without actually hitting them. Ridiculous. Turns out the same guy followed another biker for a quarter of a mile, yelling and swearing at him before he literally attempted to run him off the road. 9-1-1 was called at the finish.}


Happy with his finish!


Cheers to next year and more races in Nic's future!


  1. hooray nic!! I think it is his swedish looking bike that gave him the little extra edge!

  2. Yay! Great job Nic!

    You got some awesome photos! And that is just ridiculous about the idiot in the truck! Cycling is a huge thing out here in CO and the back and forth between riders and drivers is rather scary - why can't everyone just respect each other?!

  3. How cool! How did you find out about that? I know all about the running scene but not so much biking.

    Too bad about that truck driver. I hate that people do that. :(

  4. I want one of those aero helmets for running. You know, to make me faster. :)

  5. Congrats to Nic! Whoohoo! You are inspiring me to put some air into my bike tires...!
