
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

shiny and new

Yesterday afternoon, after months of nagging from Nic, I finally brought our rings in to get cleaned and polished.  Look how shiny and new they are!

Check out those blue skies - almost a better sight than our shiny like-new rings!

Pretty sure I can't get over this weather we are having! Sleeping with the windows open was so nice, and waking up to temps in the 60s - there was no way I was going to skip my walk with Maia! I was hoping to sneak a run in as well before my crazy busy day, but time did not allow for that.  Maybe I'll do a late night run after my meetings.

This morning's eats: stove top oats with blueberry-banana soft serve and pecans! With an iced coffee of course.  I whipped up some extra blueberry-banana soft serve to snack on when I get home tonight, that is as long as Nic doesn't find it first!

stovetop oats with blueberry banana soft serveOats with Blueberry-Banana soft serve
Iced coffee protein drinkblueberry banana soft serve

Blueberry-Banana Soft Serve
  • 1.5 frozen bananas
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
Place everything in the food processor and give it a good whirl! It will take a few minutes to get to soft serve consistency, so don't freak out halfway through when you think it won't work.

I so just want to spend the entire day outside with a good book!

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