
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

productive husband = happy wife

I need to get out of the house more often! While I was in the mother land last week Nic got gobs of stuff done around the house; mowed the lawn, cleaned the office, cleaned the office, cleaned the office (yes, it was that bad), vacuumed, swept, cleaned the bathroom, laundry, swiffered...I walked in the door on Sunday afternoon and was im.pressed. Now, if only I could train him to do that while I am home...suggestions?

When I got home from work tonight (after 9:00!) I was impressed before I even walked in the door! Check this out - Nic has already started packing for our camping trip set for next week!



Two tents to choose from, frisbee golfing discs, water, sleeping bags, camping chairs, propane tanks, long leashes for Maia...we could leave tomorrow and be set! Good husband.

Rewind to earlier today - work was crazy! It was so busy that I didn't get a chance to eat my lunch until after 3:00. But a good lunch it was! I made a pit stop between meetings at a park and enjoyed my lunch on a bench next to a beautiful garden.


Left over bruschetta from last night's dinner (made with some funky looking basil from our CSA!) served with some crunchy sesame pita chips. Spring greens with carrots, cucumbers & peppers from our CSA, and some hummus rounded out the meal.

I snacked on a banana before heading to the library to use up some of their free wi-fi to get some more work done.

Dinner was supposed to be at a fun coffee shop & bakery in town, but it closed at 4. Bummer. I didn't feel like picking up Subway, so I headed to Hy-Vee. I walked out with some good stuff for a mish-mashed dinner.


Marsala roasted chickpeas, er not so much. They kind of tasted like eggs. Weird. I picked them up because of the wonderfully awesome chana marsala I made the other day and was hoping for a delicious crunchy snack. Oh well, it won't deter me from making that dish again for dinner tomorrow!

The TLC cookies called out my name and when I saw they scored a 40 on the NuVal system (pretty good for a cookie!) I picked them up to satisfy my sweet tooth. They were pretty tasty!

Even though today was a loooong day, it was a good one. Some great views on my drive home were icing on the cake, and the awesome weather we are having (AC free night tonight!) is the cherry on the top.



Getting a nice long run in tonight would have been the perfect way to end the day - but hey, sometimes life gets in the way. There is always tomorrow.

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