
Monday, November 8, 2010

37 miles

There are only 37 more training miles until

Holy Crap!

I have run approximately 660 miles training for this marathon - so there is no question that I am physically prepared for the race. There is no question that physically I should be able to achieve my goals and based on the McMillan Running Calculator, I should even have a few minutes to spare.

Mentally though - I have my days. Some days I can just picture myself in the car on our way home from Tulsa just grinning ear to ear because I did the unthinkable and qualified for Boston. Other days, I think about the hills that are on the course and I just feel that they are going to defeat me and before the half way mark, I've already given up all hope of qualifying. 

But then I think to myself, qualifying for Boston is your stretch goal Kier! You should be totally stoked if you run a sub 4 hour marathon! I mean come on, your ran the Twin Cities Marathon in 4 hours 46 minutes - shaving off 46 minutes would be huge! Can you really expect to shave off one hour and 6 minutes??

Sure, running a sub 4 marathon would be awesome, but you know what? That is not going to be good enough for me right now. Can I shave off one hour and 6 minutes? HECK YES. I am going to shave off one hour and 8 minutes just to make myself feel that much better.

Physically I am ready, mentally I will be ready come race day. No doubt about it.


  1. GOOD LUCK with your last 37 miles!

    Stick with the positive thinking and kick that negativity out the door! You've got the long runs and all the training down, you are ready for this! From here on out it is all MENTAL!

    Good luck and have fun! :)

  2. And you will do it. Simple. Hard. But simple.
