
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

shrimp spring rolls

This was a short week, right?  Then why is it absolutely dragging on and on and on...?  I am so ready for the week to be over.  Funny thing is - I start working at the Y bright and early on Saturday morning, so I don't even have a full weekend to look forward to. However -  whoop for extra $$$. :)

Today's marathon scheduled run was an easy day after yesterday's killer treadmill speed session. I made the short trek over to the Y and got ready for an easy five.  But about 2 minutes into I got bored, so my easy five turned into a little bit speedier easy five.  This was actually a great workout I was done with my run before I knew it.

The workout::  I warmed up for the first mile at 8:57 pace and then increased my speed by .1 every half mile thereafter, ending at 8:00 pace.

I probably took the speediest shower after my workout and headed out to grab a drink with a few volunteers while discussing event details.  {Disclaimer for my boss - my drink of choice was water.  I would never drink while working.}

Nic was begging me to grab food at the bar, but I had big plans for dinner tonight and was not about to shell out cash for greasy food when I knew this would be on the table in no time...

Shrimp Spring Rolls


Seriously, it felt like we were eating in a restaurant!  These turned out so amazing and were pretty easy to put together.

IMG_5159 copy

The followed Kristin's (from Iowa Girl Eats) recipe for Fresh Spring Rolls and only made a few modifications::
  • Used shrimp instead of tofu as our protein of choice
  • Subbed red onion for green onions
  • and that's about does it!
Total winner.
    Have I mentioned that our meal plan this week includes three recipes from Iowa Girl Eats?  Yuppers - clearly I was perusing her blog when we decided to plan out our meals for the week.  You should check her site out - a ton of great recipes!


    1. Oh dear me, those shrimp rolls looks yummy! I have shrimp just waiting in the freezer to be gobbled up!
