
Friday, January 21, 2011

two year plan

In January we tend to focus on setting goals for the upcoming year.  We certainly did here in the PS household. And although setting yearly goals are wonderful, I think having some longer term goals are also good.

Nic and I have a few long term goals, although we are not quite sure on how long term they are. Some of which include: making a move back to Minnesota (could be FOREVER which we are totally okay with.  We do love Iowa), having kids (okay, we go back and forth on this one - because we really don't need kids), and finishing the basement (we've given up putting this on the we swear we are going to start this summer list).

I would have to argue that having long term goals requires an action plan in order to be successful.  We do not have any sort of real action plan for the goals I mentioned above, which is fine because we don't have a date that we hope to complete those goals by.

There is one goal that I have set with a very specific end date.

The date:: April 15, 2013
The goal:: The Boston Marathon

Sure, I could have my sights set on qualifying for the 2012 Boston Marathon, and who knows, maybe I will.  However, once I saw that the 2013 event will take place on April 15th my mind was made up and I knew I had to run it...

April 15, 2013 will mark 10 years since my dad passed away from cancer.  I can't think of a better way to honor his life than to qualify for and running the Boston Marathon (followed by drinking numerous vodka sours while eating shrimp and sauerkraut pizza, of course. Ick).

Kier and Dad

Being able to run Boston on this date will be a huge accomplishment in itself.  But my name is Kier and I have big ideas, so I would also like to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  And since it will have been 10 years since his death, doesn't raising $10,000 just make sense?

Wowza!  $10,000 is a lot of money.  So we'll sit on that idea and ponder it a bit more.  Maybe the lovely people at ACS will have some ideas on how to raise such a huge sum of money.

In the meantime, I will do my best to qualify for Boston 2013.

The action plan:: Train my little butt off and run like the wind.  My 2011 attempts at qualifying will be made at the Fargo Marathon in May and either the Twin Cities Marathon or the Marine Corps Marathon in October.

Do you guys set long term goals?


  1. I am sure you will make your Boston Marathon goal! I usually try and set yearly goals; one this year is to finally (and I mean after many many years) pay off my last student loan. And, within the next two years, put up a fence in my yard and re-roof the house. All paid by money I've saved. Only cash, thank you!

    This year, my goal is to run the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in Savannah and have two of my sisters along for a vacation, too.

  2. What a wonderful way to honour his memory! I think that's a fantastic goal. I'll happily donate towards your $10K goal - just let us know when and where.

  3. I have some ideas (legitimate ones...not silly sarcastic things like I typically bring to the table) to help you achieve both goals... qualifying for the marathon and raising $10,000.

    Let's talk!

  4. Long term goals about our lives, jobs and farm, etc are always being discussed by my H and me. We don't always have a perfect plan, but having goals is just so important.

    Thanks for sharing yours! Sounds like Boston 2013 with the ACS is made for you. It may sound cliche, but "you can do it Kier!"

  5. Interesting question about goals. For the most part, we don't have 5 year goals. It's not that we aren't goal oriented, we have goals for this year, and goals for our lives, but not specific "Okay, in 5 years we will have done this & this." Know what I mean? We have a goal of going to Costa Rica for our 5 year anniversary (which will also double as the honeymoon we were not able to go on).. but that is only 3 yrs from now.

    I'm going to have to think about this some more, and talk to Chris. Great post Kier!

  6. Great goal! I'm sure if you set your mind on it you will succeed.
    I'm not great about planning far ahead. The farthest I've planned is for my marathon in March, and even those plans have had some speed bumps.
