
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

30 for 30

Have any of you heard of the 30 for 30 challenge that is floating around the blog world?  I just came across it yesterday and thought it was a great idea.  Not that I work in an office or anything...but I thought it would be a good challenge for me to try in an attempt to wear something other than my Alo workout pants and Girls on the Run t-shirt!

Hmmm....actually getting ready in the morning instead of rolling out of bed into my office chair?? I might have to rethink this one!

In other news, yesterday was Nic's birthday!  Happy Birthday Nic!  I took him up to Iowa City for some errand running and birthday celebrating but forgot my camera.  I'll have to recap his big celebration later.  Everything was great, except dinner was a bit (a lot) disappointing.


  1. 30 outfits in 30 days? Yeah, I don't think I can do that. I have a whole section of my closet full of clothes too nice to wear now. Once the baby outgrows vomiting on me and pulling at my necklines, maybe :)

  2. I'm just over half way through my own version of that...31outfits:31days.

    Basically I have to dress myself in a different "work appropriate" outfit for 31 [work]days straight. I am not limited to 30 items, but what I don't wear by the end of the 31 days I have to donate - a bit of an incentive to get creative!

    I am getting kind of sick of blogging photos of myself (who knew this was even possible?!) but otherwise I'm having fun with it! My donate pile is already started...

    Here is the link to my intro post to my personal challenge:

  3. What a cool challenge! It reminds me of one of those mag articles where they show how to remake 10 items in to 10 different outfits or something. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Happy belated bday to Nic!

  4. It would be cake to make 30 cute outfits when you're already starting with awesome clothes like that blogger girl has. I would like to challenge her to make 30 cute outfits with MY clothes. ;)

  5. @Laura - I totally agree!! Working from home for the past 4.5 years leaves me with very little to work with! That could be fun though. How many ways can Kier wear these yoga pants for events other than yoga??
