
Monday, February 14, 2011

happy v day

Nic and I are not celebrating Valentine's Day today.  Not because we don't want to, because we have a Relay For Life meeting to go to - which will be all sorts of fun!

So we've decided to postpone our V-Day celebration until next weekend.

Nic and Kier

I do kind of love this guy.  (No matter how often we talk about our 5-year plan...)

We had an amazing weekend in Minnesota - full of all sorts of celebrations!  Weddings, birthdays, Valentine's Day, engagements and babies.  I will do up a separate post later today after I round up all the photos that were taken.

On our way back to the Deep South yesterday, Nic and I came up with a few challenges to take on.  The first is jumping on the "eat in month" challenge that has been floating around the blog world for a while.  We don't eat out too often, but could reign it in a bit.  So starting today and going until March 14th we will not be eating out.  This does not include grabbing a few drinks (alcoholic or not) with friends.

The second challenge is for this week.  We are going to really try to eat down our pantry and freezer this week. We have so many odds and ends that need to be eaten up, so it is time to get the creative juices flowing and see what we can come up with.  So the challenge this week will to use the items in our pantry/freezer as our main meal components and only shop the perimeter of the grocery store this week - no venturing into the middle for anything (unless it is coffee - you don't want to see me in the morning if I don't have coffee!).

Happy Valentine's Day All!  Do something nice for yourself today!


  1. Bud and I have been doing the same thing with the freezer. It actually makes planning a meal a lot less stressful when you've got most of it at home already.

    Have a great Valentine's day with your sweetie.

  2. I just love that picture of the two of you. Happy Love Day to you, Kier!

  3. I have such a hard time eating down the freezer! I feel like I have so much random stuff that it's hard to put a meal together that my husband will actually eat :)

  4. That is a really cute photo!

    We are also working on eating our way through our freezer and pantry! Unfortunately we have way too much venison in the freezer from The Husband's hunting excursions and I'm sick of cooking with venison!

  5. I welcome ideas with how to eat about 50 cups of frozen squash! Dad's garden was pretty prolific this summer......Help?

  6. What a sweet picture - I love it :-)

    Good luck with eating in and cleaning out your freezer and pantry. I think we need to take the same challenge at our house!
