
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

pantry and freezer week - day 9

Today, I turned in my two weeks notice and put a down deposit on a lovely piece of land in Northern Minnesota...

...and then I shook myself awake from that dream and woke up from an amazing one hour nap. :)

I love waking up super early, the rest of the day is always uber productive when that happens. Which is good - I needed a productive day. And being able to sneak in an afternoon nap is quite nice too...

After my lovely nap, I lazily climbed into my running gear for a track workout - 400m repeats. This used to be the most dreaded workout in high school track for most people. I secretly loved 400 days. Whenever it was pouring rain, the entire girls track team piled on the track for repeat 400s. Us distance girls were the studs as we were always the last ones to leave the track.

Warmup - 1.88 miles @8:51 pace
400 pace - 7:34, 7:29, 7:17, 7:21, 7:17, 7:28, 7:05, 7:01, 7:40, 7:18
I jogged .12 miles in between 400s at 9:15ish pace
Cool down - .95 miles @ 9:56 pace
Total distance - 6.63 miles
Total time - 58:08
Average pace - 8:46

It was a great workout - the 400s were a little slow for my training plan, but with the knee pain last week, taking it a little easy was a good idea.  There were a few laps where I thought I would have to call it quits, but the pain never got too bad. Now, my calves are tiiiiight - it feels like the day after actually racing. Hopefully nothing a little foam rolling can't take care of.

Food today was a lot of the same as the past few days:

Breakfast - steel cut oats with banana and blueberries in an almost empty almond butter jar.
Lunch - the same delicious sandwich that we had for dinner last night

I snacked on a load of citrus around 3:30. One bruised and battered orange from our reduced price bag (almost gone!) and one of the moro oranges that we picked up on impulse during our last trip to Hy-Vee. Check this thing out!



A comparison:


I wasn't too hungry after my run so I just put together a small salad and smoothie to refuel with.

I topped the salad with lentil burgers with the last of our left over lentils from the night we made lentil tacos. To prepare I just threw in about 1 cup of lentils and 1/4 cup panko in a food processor for a few seconds. I formed this mixture into 4 small patties and rolled in more panko before popping them into a 400* oven for about 15 minutes (flipping once).


They were a great salad topper!  I am hoping Nic doesn't snatch them for lunch tomorrow...

The smoothie was just 5 ingredients and so refreshing!

  • 1 whole frozen banan
  • 1 whole peeled orange
  • splash almond milk
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • pomegranate seeds - to top with
Just give everything a quick whirl in the food processor and top with a small handful of pomegranate seeds. Enjoy!

In other news - the random dessert I made last night? DELICIOUS! Definitely better cold and had the texture of pumpkin pie. Nic and I both loved it.  I imagine it would be even better with some freshly whipped cream on top. I will make these again...maybe in individual ramekins - that would be cute!



Remember the discussion Nic and I had the other week - about adding a second dog to our family? Yeah, that is for sure not going to happen anytime soon.  Sorry to disappoint! :) Maia is a handful and I personally can not imagine walking two bratty puppies in the morning. I am so glad we slept on that idea for a few weeks, so glad.


  1. Wait, what? You really quit your job? Awesome! :)

    I like how you just casually threw that out there like, yeah I quit my job, napped, ran, cooked....

  2. Haha - I wish. :) Just a dream...
