
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

brother isaac

I don't often wish for people to lead a boring, uneventful life. However, when that life takes place in Iraq and that person is my brother - I wish for him a nothing but a boring and uneventful year (and the rest of the guys).

Ike getting ready for Iraq

And of course, good conditions for marathon training. :)

Be safe Ike.

And don't get too dizzy running in circles as you train for Stockholm!


  1. What a great picture! I also hope he has a boring, uneventful year :)

  2. Kier- We will be praying for him! Definitely hope that he has a boring year too!

  3. I chime in wishing him an uneventful, safe year. And, how cool that you both run. Like bro, like sis I suppose!

  4. I do hope they have a boring year!

  5. Pfft, you all don't know what hell your wishing on me. I hope to have an exciting year.
