
Thursday, May 19, 2011


As I sit here this morning, sipping my coffee, I am really questioning my ability to run a sub 4 hour marathon on Saturday. This happens to me all the time - tapering is the culprit. Not running for three days in a row cause me to believe that I have lost everything I have trained for in the past three-ish months.


I don't have room for that in my head right now.

Of course it doesn't help that I ate kind of crappy yesterday, went to bed 2 hours later than I normally do, and a huge kitchen fail last night.

Am I setting myself up for failure?

Snap out of it! Right?!

So in an effort to get myself pumped back up this morning, I plotted this lovely graph to help myself visualize how hard I have worked in the past two years.

weight loss

Forty pounds of weight loss is no small feat.  I don't often share about this on the blog, a few references here and there sure, but sharing actual numbers is just not my thing.

Until today apparently.

I clearly remember stepping on the scale in college for my first cross country running weigh-in in 2002 - 132 pounds.

Two years ago, I remember being super upset with myself because I weighed more than my friend who was 9 months pregnant. Not cool, Kier.  172 pounds.

Kier Leah Nancy 2
(Again Leah, sorry that this is my goto photo...I know you hate it!)

One week ago I went in for my annual physical and asked for all of my weights that they had on record.  The doc was quite impressed with my progress. That day I weighed 132.2 pounds.


Be proud, Kier.

I am proud. I never really set out to lose weight, I just set out to rediscover my love for running. Along the way I started eating better, lifting weights and ultimately lost weight.

There are still days where I feel "fat" and need someone to punch me in the face and look at myself in the mirror.

There are still days where I hate my hips and need someone to remind me that hips are bones and you can't shrink bones.

40 pounds. Been there.

Sub 4 marathon. Here I come.


  1. That's amazing, Kier.
    And you know what I think?
    I think you're going to rock this marathon, that's what.

  2. I think tapering negativity is pretty common. I get that and the race-day doubts "Who I am I to think that I can do this? I should just take it slow and enjoy the race and then I won't be disappointed if I don't achieve my goal".

    Have fun in Fargo! You'll do amazing!

  3. Great post Kier! Good luck at Fargo!

  4. I think you are pretty amazing. You are going to rock that marathon.

    Tapering is a mind game, but you're strong enough to push through that and be ready mentally for 4 short hours of running :)

  5. You're a motivator for those of us who still need to lose that weight! Congratulations on doing it the healthy way. And you will run that marathon with a huge smile on your face!

  6. Way to go! You look great! You can do it! :o)

  7. How crazy, I only knew you as fit in college, and then fit since we reconnected. I had a similar weight gain after college.... which clearly means that SUB 4 IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm seriously so excited to take on Fargo, and having to run side by side is going to help so much. sub 4 sub 4 sub 4. :D

    What time are you heading to the expo?

  8. It's it funny how we can remember certain moments in time we weighed a certain number? I have several of those. I wish you all the luck this weekend, but I don't think you'll need it! GOOD LUCK, though! Can't wait to read about it! When I run, I think of my blog and what I want to report back - it's always that I gave it my all :)

  9. Ugh. Tapering really is hard on the psyche. I think every (well at least I do) runner has that feeling of, "Oh crap, can I really achieve what i've set out to do." the week before the "big race." I felt that way the week before my half and I PR'd by 5 minutes.

    You can do this Kier, and if you dont and this would only happen bc the conditions are ideal (aka wind from hell, or rainy) then there are other marathons that you can do it at. But, I know you can do it.

    Oh, and congrats on your weight loss!! That's awesome!

  10. Wow that is amazing! You seem to have achieved that perfect balance of living healthy but still living. You are going to rock tomorrow!

  11. You are an amazing and inspiring person, Kier! I am so proud of you!

  12. This post makes me more than proud to be your friend Kier. CONGRATS AGAIN ON THE SUB 4!

  13. You got this! But I do the same thing - I have to look back on achievements to find the courage withing sometimes. Congrats on losing the weight and keeping it off. I really struggle with that!

  14. Uh, it's Monday night and no Fargo report? I'm dying here!

  15. Such a blast to meet you when you stopped in the store last weekend while you were in Fargo. You are such a doll and such an inspiration. Looking forward to you next visit to Fargo.
