My parents are staying at a resort on Lake Okoboji this week. It's a beautiful area and where I believe the glaciers all melted because it reminds me of a Minnesota lake. The lakes near Washington are all wonderful, but a lake from a dammed up stream is not the same as a 100 foot plus deep lake.
Since I cannot explore the Okoboji area this week I decided to just head east. Kier, Maia and I have been to all the Washington County parks, a few of our favorites very often, and I have wanted to hike and see some of the Louisa County parks lately. Louisa County is "Bordered by the Mississippi River and with more than 15,000 acres of parks and natural areas..." I have canoed one of the wetland areas before and am looking forward to one of the upcoming paddling events the county puts on, the Full Moon Paddle.
Today Maia and I went on an hour hike just south east of Columbus Junction that took us through the forest and along a corn field at the Chinkapin Bluffs Recreation Area. It's amazing how many good trails you can find locally and how well the conservation departments manage them, I just seems that we are the only ones using them.
I have been in Iowa all my life and still have not visited Lake Okoboji, but I have heard it has some great resorts!