Monday, August 3, 2009

two down, three to go

Happy two year anniversary to us! Let's all take a few minutes out of our day to remember how awesome August 4, 2007 was...

Rainy day...I had a major freak out the day before when Roger decided that it was just the right thing to do by telling me the forecast was calling for severe weather. Oh, how fortunate we were to have the weather we did! Sure it was a little muddy and wet - who the heck cared?! Not the bride, that's for shizzle!

My. FAVORITE. from the entire day - pretty sure. Poor Greg - sneaking in one last glance on the life he missed out on. If only Nic and Greg went with their first choice in would be totally different! hehe.

I think this is a great shot of Barb and I! Just found it the other day while uploading the photos to our Mac.

Greg gave an amazing speech, revealing a few hidden secrets Nic was still trying to hide! That smile on Maddie's face - RELIEF, everyone remembered Greg's speech and not hers! lol

My favorite part of the night (ok, so maybe actually getting married was my favorite part..) but a close second was the dance!


Who can forget this?! Nic was trying to be...well I don't know what he was trying to do, but I am sure it didn't end up the way he was hoping...........

So glad our photographers were right in that spot at that exact moment!

Love was in the air...

Happy 2 year anniversary Nic! Here's to another two, maybe three! :)


  1. Aww, it feels like just yesterday! Happy anniversary! So much love to my Iowa friends.

  2. YEAH!! That was a good trip down memory lane.. So, umm who were Nic and Greg's pics;)
