Tuesday, September 8, 2009

so you think we should have a baby huh?

Mom and Maddie visited this weekend (photos to come soon). Mom, who told me a few months ago that she had no desire to be a Gma anytime soon, has gone back on her word. She now wants a grandbaby in about 9 months. Hmmm. Sorry Mom! You know...Leah only lives about 5 miles from you, I am sure she wouldn't mind you sneaking in some baby time in exchange for some delicious food!

Oh, what's that? You want ME to have a baby? I don't think so. At least not until Nic and I complete the following:

-Build up our rainy day fund to such a level we have cash coming out of our pockets
-Waterproof our basement (depleting all recently saved funds from our rainy day fund)
-Rebuild our rainy day fun
-Lose 30 pounds - Kier
-Gain 30 pounds - Nic
-Backpack in Alaska for 2 weeks

That is just six things that need to be checked off our list. Shouldn't take more than 5-10 years I'd imagine.


  1. YIKES!! Baby talk... Well, if you are going to still wait for me.. Mom might not like me so much, b/c it is going to be a long long long long time before babies start coming ;)

  2. Remember, girls, that we need to re-populate the planet! I'll wait for now... ;-(

  3. I've been called "too old" for having kids now. Kier I guess our parents will just have to settle for grandpuppies.
