Friday, April 23, 2010

18 inches

Our last official day of hYped was last night. :(  Over the past 16 weeks, Nic and I have been loving our 4-night-a-week workout sessions at the Y. Not only have the workouts been great, but working out with the group of people was a lot of fun - and motivating.

I loved working out with Nic, but my favorite days were working out with some of the other guys and giving them a run for their money. Sure makes a girl feel good!

Speaking of feeling good, I woke up bright and early today to have my measurements taken by one of the personal trainers. Holy wow - working out consistently AND eating a balanced diet really does pay off! Since January 30 this year, I've lost a total of 18 inches, about 15 pounds and  3.5% body fat. WOOT! (Since March 2009 I've lost 27 pounds).

Ok - looking at that 27 pounds is pretty crazy. I don't think I was ever that fat...and I guess I wasn't really fat, but I for sure wasn't happy with how I looked. Now, I might consider wearing a swimsuit for the first time in ages this summer (harhahr), and much to Nic's delight, I don't utter the statement "I am sooo fat" every night before we go to bed. :)

I've still got a few pounds to go before I reach this goal...

Speaking of that goal...we are actually going to be working on our basement this summer. That means we are two steps closer to maybe, possibly, giving Jackson and Alexa a cousin. :)  Wait - I don't remember that "backpack in Alaska for two weeks" goal being included on the list...  Oh well, guess Jackson and Alexa can wait a few more years, right!?

Oh, hYped - it's really not over. Just taking a few weeks off before we start up the summer session. And guess who is going to be the instructor? That's right - this girl!

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