Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I have issues

If you recall, I have an addiction to registering for random races. Well, it's a good thing that I can't register for some races a year in advance, otherwise Nic and I would be booking plane tickets to Alaska! Yup, my newest race idea is the Mayor's Marathon (or half) that is scheduled for June 18, 2011. I've already informed my good friend Ben that he has a year to start running again and get ready for this race. I think he is really, really excited! :)

In other news...I have issues, food issues.  We got a huge box of produce the other day ------->


Lots and lots of delicious and organic stuff in here. Baby carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cilantro...


...and some chard and kale. Hmmmm...how do I cook chard and kale??! I've found a few recipes, but I need some other suggestions. They are pretty big bunches, although I am sure they will cook down quite a bit. This is my challenge for tonight.

Last night, there was no challenge at all figuring out what to eat. Yum - a mixed green salad with tomatoes, carrots, shrimp and a sweet white vinegar dressing.



  1. what?? You can't run on June 18th that is the weekend I am going to be getting married.. GRR.. hahahha... JK! But, it could be a good reason to not register a year in advance for a race;)

  2. WHAT are you trying to say Nancy????
