So I don't mean to bore my five lovely readers with all of my runs, but today's run was pretty sweet. I must have done something right during the day - check out these stats:
mile 1 - 7:59
mile 2 - 7:47
mile 3 - 7:33
mile 4 - 7:37
mile 5 - 7:34
Average pace - 7:42
Whoa - where's the 8-minute mile?! And you know what, it was a comfortable run. Sure, after I saw my second mile was a 7:47, I thought maybe, just maybe I could do all five miles under 8 minutes. Mile three - maybe I can keep the negative splits coming...? Close, but no cigar. Who was an amazing run!
After the run we took Maia out for a 1.5 mile walk and then headed to the Y to do a quick leg workout.
Dinner turned out much better than I was expecting! I made this potato and kale soup (without the chorizo).
I don't think their boring, I just wish I had the time and ability to run like you!