Thursday, May 13, 2010

my favorite game

Nic and I have very different sleep schedules. He goes to bed early and wakes up early, I go to bed late and wake up late. I've tried his schedule a few times in an effort to get in some morning workouts, but end up going to bed early and waking up late.

Anyhow, this makes for some pretty interesting late night conversations - you know the ones that happen when I get in bed and Nic has already been sleeping for a few hours? I might ask a question, or whisper a sweet nothing and low-and-behold he responds! "Nic - you awake??" Sometimes, a  nice long conversation ensues. Most of the time I can tell he is really just talking in his sleep - and yet I continue the conversation, as does Nic. It is really funny.

Other times, like last night, we can have a pretty normal conversation and Nic may or may not be awake. My secret weapon to figure out if he is sleeping or not? I ask him, "Hey Nic, what's my middle name?" OMG - so hilarious! We could (and have) gone on for minutes on end trying to get the right middle name! Last night was relatively short (maybe 5 minutes?), and he first blurted out Kajsa's middle name - "M-J, you have two middle names", and then proceeded to tell me he didn't know and why was I asking him this question. After a few more minutes, "why are you doing this to me?"  Nic - WHAT'S MY MIDDLE NAME? Ahh, correct answer, proceeded by lots of laughs on my end, and Nic making me aware that I am mean, really mean.

I love these nights.


  1. I think it's creepy that I'm picturing you in bed, but this is still hilarious!

  2. You are mean, Kier.

    Word of caution - this also means that your future children may get him to agree to things he might not normally agree to. Not that we ever used that trick with my dad.

  3. Oh, I know I am mean! But it is too funny to stop.

    Nic asked me yesterday how often this happens...he was thinking I did this to him every night! :) Nope - just a few times a year.
