Tuesday, August 17, 2010

13.1 & 6.2

Last weekend I randomly registered for a half marathon (Saturday) and 10K (Sunday).  I was in MN and needed to get in a 13 mile and 6 mile run, and what better way to make sure you actually run than to pay to run in a race?

On Saturday, I rolled out of bed around 5:30 and headed out to Hudson, WI at 6AM for the Gopher to Badger Half Marathon.  The race training run went really well, besides to humidity.  I managed to eek out a 1:47:45 (just 2 minutes shy of my PR!).



The route was really quite nice. We started in Stillwater and ran through some nice neighborhoods and then ended the race running along the river, over the 94E bridge into Wisconsin.  There was one long section in the middle that was totally flat and straight - the worst in my opinion!  It stretched out for a few miles so you felt like you were getting no where!  I would probably run this one again though, kind of an under the radar race and not too $$$$.

My splits:
mile 1 - 8:00          mile 2 - 8:04
mile 3 - 7:57          mile 4 - 7:59
mile 5 - 7:55          mile 6 - 8:08
mile 7 - 8:30          mile 8 - 8:39
mile 9 - 8:24          mile 10 - 8:20
mile 11 - 8:26        mile 12 - 8:14
mile 13 - 7:56        last steps - 7:24
Total Distance: 13.17 miles
Total Time: 1:47:45
Average Pace: 8:11
Overall Place: 134/736
Overall Female: 31/389
Age Division: 11/142

Post race - it was a hot one!

On Sunday, Maddie, Ike and I all rolled out of bed early to do the Snail Run 10K.  Let me introduce you to us, on Sunday morning:

Ike - hungover.  Had too much fun crashing a wedding the night before.

Maddie - hasn't run since July 4.  Had too much fun watching Ike crash a wedding the night before.

Kier - just ran a half marathon and didn't stretch. Legs are sore.  Had no part in crashing a wedding the night before.

All of us - clearly I need to take some self portrait lessons from Leah. :)

There, that's a little better.

We could not have asked for a more perfect morning to run - very low humidity and temps in the lower 60s.  The route was gorgeous as well, running along a lake and through a park.  We had a lot of fun....

Mehhaha, these guys were only doing the 5k and had to take a walking break.  They should have trained harder. :)

These guys should really work on proper running form...

But who am I to say anything...

We all survived!

And then we got home and this happened...

Our splits:
mile 1 - 8:29           mile 2 - 8:14
mile 3 - 8:33           mile 4 - 8:31
mile 5 - 8:36           mile 6 - 7:58
last steps - 8:00
Total distance: 6:16
Total time: 51:38
Average pace: 8:36
Overall places: 29, 30, 31/107 total
Overall Female: 12, 13/64 total
Overall Male: 18/44 total
Age Division: 3,4/12 (K&M), 4/16 (I)

Such a good weekend of running!  Can't wait until the three of us are together again for another race - possibly in Spain in January???!!


  1. You are crazy girl, but now for entirely different reasons than before. Lol, love these pictures.

  2. Hahhaa.. Love it:) You are crazy... But, did I hear a half marathon in spain this winter??
