Monday, September 6, 2010

the Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes

These past few days have been so beautiful and fall-like.  I love this weather and wish I could live someplace where it is like this all year long!

I also love that today is Labor Day and I get to veg all day long.  After a day like yesterday, I can't imagine having to work today!

Yesterday started off super early - alarm went off at 5AM and I was up getting ready to hammer out 16 miles.  Nic and I decided that I would start off in town and run to Keota via the Kewash trail, and he would drive out to Keota and bike from Keota until he ran into me.  Worked out perfectly!  I met Nic in the middle of my run, took a nice Gu break with him, and then sprinted towards the finish.  Ok, so maybe it was more of a slow jog, but overall the run went pretty well.

mile 1 - 8:32      mile 2 - 8:19
mile 3 - 8:57      mile 4 - 8:40
mile 5 - 8:18      mile 6 - 8:46
mile 7 - 10:10    mile 8 - 8:20
mile 9 - 8:35      mile 10 - 8:13
mile 11 - 8:15    mile 12 - 9:55
mile 13 - 8:07    mile 14 - 9:12
mile 15 - 9:02    mile 16 - 8:35
Total distance: 16.01 miles
Total time: 2:20:05
Average pace: 8:45

As you can see from my splits, I took a few more walking breaks than normal...which I wasn't very happy with, but hey - I ran 16 friggin' miles!

During my run, all I could think of was breakfast, and I decided that pumpkin pancakes would be very fitting for the weather we were having.  They turned out so.amazingly.delicious.  The recipe is below - you have to make these!

A few hours after we got home from our run/bike, we headed out to the Country Club for the St. James golf tournament.  We played with three other couples and had a great, albeit, LONG, day.


Now, I am no golfer, but I have to admit, I had fun and even managed to get a few good drives/putts in!  My new nickname is "Putt Putt Princess." :)


Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes:


You'll need:
1 cup Bob's Red Mill Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle mix
1 egg
2 t vanilla
1 T coconut oil
1/2 cup + 2 T soy milk
3/4 cup + 1 T canned pumpkin
1/4 cup Stonyfield French Vanilla yogurt
1T chia seeds

Mix all ingredients until just combined.  Cook on a preheated griddle (I set mine to 350ish).  Makes 10 4" pancakes.


You guys - these are so awesome!  The pumpkin + yogurt make for a more dense texture that is absolutely perfect!  I served these up with a few banana slices, a dollop of the left over yogurt and plenty of real syrup.  To die for.  I really made these yesterday and this morning.  I let the batter sit for a few minutes this morning to give the chia seeds a chance to absorb some of the moisture. YUM.


Nutrition Information (approx) per pancake:
Calories - 86
Fat - 2.9 grams
Protein - 3.7 grams


I have a strong cleaning itch today....going to go through closets, clothes, etc and hopefully get rid of a bunch of unnecessary items we've been holding on to!  Will be back with another awesome recipe later today!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to get my package with Red Mill Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle mix so I can make can't just dangle a carrot like that sister...
