I just scored myself a part time job at our local Y! Ever since Nic and I participated in the hYped class last January the group fitness coordinator has been asking me if I would be willing to teach. Well, yesterday we finally sat down to discuss details and I start teaching hYped on January 17th! This gig will be 4 nights a week for about an hour each class, so nothing too time consuming.
While speaking with the group fitness coordinator, he mentioned that the Y director also had me in mind to teach a teen strength class. Umm, yes please! That would be so awesome! This class will be about 8 weeks and they are really hoping to get quite a few girls between the ages of 13-16 to sign up. The Y has not done a program like this before, so it will be a trial session and hopefully a lot of fun. Good thing my work schedule is pretty flexible so that I will be able to teach this one day a week right after school lets out.
Icing on the cake - I will also be working a few weekends a month up in the wellness center. This works perfectly with our schedules as Nic has to work every other weekend anyway.
Bonus - now we really can't go to Minnesota every.single.damn.weekend in 2011 as I will have to work. Yippee! :) Seriously folks, if you want to see us you will have to make the trip to Iowa - no joke.
Cherry on top - more money! More races! Fewer student loans! New basement! Babies! (JUST KIDDING!)
I am excited...can you tell?
this is awesome Kier!! hey, btw see you in 3 days in PARIS!!